Milestone Assessment

“why isn’t my baby rolling yet?”

“should my baby be crawling?

We hear these types of questions all the time...

We often find the kiddos we are treating for cranial deformity and/or torticollis have some level of gross motor delay. We know that balanced muscle tone leads to balance play positioning, which leads to a more symmetrical head. This is why we developed our Milestone Assessment sessions. These sessions are meant to be a one-time check to see where your baby is at, and how you can help to move them forward with gross motor milestones so they can naturally begin to reposition themselves.

If you are concerned about your 0 to 18-month-old achieving developmental milestones, this appointment is perfect for you. Your little one will receive a full motor assessment to identify any underlying issues and tips to help kiddos work towards their next milestone. This service is for all babies, regardless of their head shape.

$185, 90 minutes